We arrived in Yuma on November 15, 2016, at Westwind RV & Golf Resort. Our plan is to stay here until February 13, 2017
When we arrived, checked in and set-up on our site, we were warmly greeted by our friends Steve and Sharon. Steve & Sharon are a great couple we originally met in Spokane, WA in 2015. Their home is in Las Vegas, NV. They enjoy traveling to Spokane to visit their beautiful grand-babies. It's always nice to have friends visit to explore the area and enjoy good food. One of our first places to go for a great burger is Lutes Casino. This is not your normal casino, it's actually a historic landmark in the historic district of downtown Yuma.
Lutes is a place you just have to visit to get the full feel of the historic atmosphere.
One of the top ten things to do while in Yuma is to visit the Peanut Patch. It's a place that feels like it's in the middle of nowhere, well, it IS in the middle of nowhere. A nice little store loaded with every kind of nut and candies you didn't know you were looking for.
Thank you Steve & Sharon we always enjoy seeing you both and spending time with you!
Ouch, I think I need to see a dentist!
If you've never been to a dentist in Mexico, it's actually time well spent.
David was experiencing considerable pain, for a guy, and thought he might need a root canal. He remembered an article he had read in one of our Escapee RV Club magazines about going to Mexico for dental care. Most people we talked to about having dental care done in Mexico, tell us they go to Algodones border crossing for their dental care.
They always have good reviews of the work they have done.
We choose to cross at San Luis, AZ border crossing to visit Dr.Sergio Bernal. Dr. Bernal has an office one block within the border crossing. It turned out David only needed 3 new crowns and a cleaning. If we had gone to Algodones, it would have costed $250 for each crown. David paid $150 for each gold crown. San Luis is a lot less "touristee" (read: costly), but Dr. Bernal is a fully certified dental surgeon, who is fast and efficient, at great cost savings.
Friends Come to Visit:
My good friend (George) from the San Diego area came to visit for Thanksgiving, and he brought his parents; Bob & Debbie Lerwell. The weather was great and we all had such a good time. David and I have really missed having someone to play cards with.
In addition to good company we also shared Thanksgiving dinner here at Westwind RV & Golf Resort.
Christmas in Yuma, AZ
David and I had a wonderful Christmas dinner here at the resort. The resort had a buffet and we were allowed to set and/or decorate a table to our taste. We set up a lovely table with Christmas decorations and lights. During dinner we met a new couple, Lori & Byron Lindholm. Lori & Byron are from Oregon.
Dancing, Dining & Drinking:
Happy New Year!
David & I are so blessed to have so many good friends. Some more of our good friends, Wayne & Linda Sage of Lakeside, CA came to the resort to ring in the New Year with us. It had been almost two years since our last visit with them, but you wouldn't know it when we are all together. Much like Bob & Debbie, we had someone to play cards with during the visit. The men are very proud to tell you they out played the women on more than one occasion.
Thank you to all our friends and family, we wish you all a Healthy, Happy and Adventurous New Year!
Happy New Year - 2017
David's Buddy Stops:
Cool. You are going to be my role model for getting my blog on😃